
Quick Encounters

Latest version12.1.1
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 month ago
Created3 years ago
Languages Deutsch
Systems All systems
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Quick Encounters v12 will be the last supported release. So long, and thanks for all the fishes!

Keep your Scene clean and your encounters simple! 


  • Supports Foundry v10-v12
  • Final release
  • Fixed Foundry v11 and v12 deprecation warnings
  • Bug fixes: see Release Notes

In 1.2:

  • Supports Foundry v12
  • New features: Automatically add player tokens to the Combat Tracker when you run a Quick Encounter (Issue #123) - new Setting
  • See Release Notes

In 1.1:

  • Supports Foundry v11
  • New features: Default folder for Quick Encounters (Issue #94), Add Actor RollTables from Journal Entries (Issue #40) - see new Settings, drag Journal Pages to the Scene to run QEs in different places
  • See Release Notes

In 1.0:

  • Instant Encounters: Enable the new Setting, then you can drag your Quick Encounter directly from Journals to the Scene and be prompted to run it immediately! Perfect for Random or Wandering Encounters.
  • Supports Foundry v10

in 0.9:

in 0.8:

in 0.7:

  • Add tiles (including animated effects) to your Quick Encounters just like tokens!
  • Also, quick remove by clicking the thumbnail in the Quick Encounter dialog
  • Updated Spanish
  • Foundry 0.7.9 compatibility
  • Bug fixes

In 0.6:

  • Add tokens to existing Quick Encounters (open the Journal Entry, select the token(s), and click the Quick Encounter button)
  • New easier-to-read Quick Encounters dialog
  • Keyboard modifiers when you Run the Quick Encounter: Alt adds all invisible; Ctrl adds all visible
  • Use dice rolls for number of Actors (e.g. 2d6+2)
  • Display Combat XP and XP per player when you close the Combat Tracker
  • Use Compendium links to defer importing Actors

Feature Overview

  • Design your encounters by positioning and configuring Hostile tokens, then save the tokens into a Quick Encounter Journal Entry, marked with a single Map Note on the Scene which only you the DM see (similar to the Encounter ability in Fantasy Grounds). To run your Quick Encounter, simply double-click the Map Note icon and click the "Add to Combat Tracker" button; all your saved tokens will be positioned back on the map and added to the Combat Tracker, ready to fight!
  • Quickly run encounters from converted or packaged modules by opening the relevant Journal Entry and pressing the Quick Encounter button - any embedded Actors are converted into tokens distributed around the corresponding Map Note, and added to the Combat Tracker
  • Easily scale-up encounters by just increasing the number of Actors (change "3 Zombies" to "10 Zombies" in the Journal Entry) or use dice rolls (e.g. 2d6+2)
  • Run Roving Encounter by moving the Map Note to the desired location just before activating the encounter
  • Save your player tokens at the entrance to a new Scene so you don't have to drag/move them
  • Shows you total XP and XP per player token after the encounter (dnd5e only)

Quick Encounters works well with TokenMold to vary your tokens' names, HP, etc (although TokenMold is not required for Quick Encounters).

If you are using the DND5e system, Quick Encounters will also give you the total XP of the encounter in the Quick Encounter Journal Entry.

Method 1

Drag Hostile tokens to the map and select them. Then press the Quick Encounters button and your tokens and their positions are saved into a Quick Encounter Journal Entry, and "packaged" into a single Note on the Scene. To run your Quick Encounter, simply double-click the map Note and click the "Add to Combat Tracker" button; all your saved tokens will be positioned back on the map and added to the Combat Tracker, ready to fight!

Method 1 brings the functionality of Fantasy Grounds "Encounters" to Foundry.

Method 2

Drag Actors into an existing or new Journal Entry describing the encounter. Then drag the Journal Entry to the Scene map at the encounter position. To run your Quick Encounter, simply double-click the map Note and click the Quick Encounter button. Your tokens will be positioned around the Note, and added to the Combat Tracker.

For Roving Encounters, wait to place the Quick Encounter Journal Entry until you decide on the encounter location during a session. Then follow the remaining steps for Method 2.

Method 3 (save tokens into existing Journal Entries)

If you have a licensed module with existing Journal Entries you probably don't want to edit all of them to insert Actors (Method 2). If you're using the new Quick Encounter Dialog instead, drag Hostile tokens (representing the Encounter) to the Scene, open the Journal Entry you want to associate the Quick Encounter, click the Quick Encounter button and you will be asked if you want to create a new Encounter (Method 1) or add the tokens to this Journal Entry.

To run the Encounter later, open the Journal Entry and use the Run Quick Encounter button in the Quick Encounter Dialog.

Or mix-and-match methods - you can always press the Quick Encounters button (the "fist" icon in the left-hand Basic Controls menu) for a helpful tutorial.

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