
Token Action HUD WFRP4e

Latest version1.2.1
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12.327
Last updated1 month ago
Created11 months ago
Languages English
Systems Wfrp4e
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FoundryVTT - Token Action HUD WFRP 4e

Token Action HUD WFRP4e is a repositionable HUD of actions for a selected token prepared specially for the WFRP4e system.

Token Action HUD


  • Make rolls directly from the HUD instead of opening your character sheet.
  • Use items from the HUD or right-click an item to open its sheet.
  • Fix and Damage your Armour and Weapons.
  • Easily trigger Manual Effect Scripts.
  • Make quick Blind GM rolls.
  • Use Group Advantage Actions.
  • Move the HUD and choose to expand the menus up or down.
  • Unlock the HUD to customise layout and groups per user, and actions per actor.
  • Add your own macros, journal entries and roll table compendiums.

Required Modules

IMPORTANT — Token Action HUD WFRP 4e requires the Token Action HUD Core module to be installed.

  • Token Action HUD uses the Color Picker library module for its color picker settings.
  • Token Action HUD WFRP4e supports several actions from the Forien's Armoury and Item Piles modules.
  • Token Action HUD WFRP4e supports Group Advantage Actions from the Up in Arms official module.

Usage FAQ

For a guide on using Token Action HUD, go to: How to Use Token Action HUD

For questions, feature requests or bug reports, please open an issue here.

Future plans

  • Implement Apply-able Traits
  • Implement Active Effects
  • Implement handling of Item Damage directly via TAH
  • Implement Extended Tests

You can always check current and up-to-date planned and requested features here

If you have any suggestion or idea on new contents, hit me up on Discord!


If you are interested in translating my module, simply make a new Pull Request with your changes, or contact me on Discord.


If you wish to support module development, please consider becoming a Patron or donating through Paypal. Thanks!

Please also consider supporting Russell (@Larkinabout), the author of the Token Action HUD Core, which is the basis of this module!


If you wish to contact me for any reason, reach me out on Discord using my tag: forien

You can also join my Discord – Foundry Workshop.


  • Thanks to Russell (@Larkinabout) for creating the Token Action HUD Core!
  • Thank you to the Community Helpers on Foundry's Discord who provide tireless support for people seeking help with the HUD.
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