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Savage Pathfinder Bestiary

Latest version4.1.0
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12.325
Last updated2 weeks ago
Created2 years ago
Systems Swade
Dependencies Compendium Folders
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary

Savage Pathfinder Bestiary

Savage Pathfinder Bestiary

Over 240 foul beasts and terrifying monsters to plague the nightmares of even the most hardy adventurer. This compendium is a vital resource for devious GMs!

The Foundry version of Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary allows you to drag & drop creature tokens from the book into your pre-existing adventures. You can also browse the web version of the Compendium with gorgeous book inspired formatting for easy viewing of stats and abilities.

In addition to pre-made creatures from Pathfinder® lore the Compendium allows GMs to drag & drop Special Abilities onto the character sheet. Need that Undead Dragon with Tentacles? No problem, drag the abilities on to the sheet as needed!

As an added bonus this module recommends but does not require the Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules meaning you can use these monsters in your regular Savage Worlds game and our Fantasy Companion

This Module Contains

  • Round tokens and art for every creature (more than in the print book!), automatically configured and sized based on the creatures stats
  • Fully configured character sheets for each drag & drop monster
  • Full drag-and-drop integration for Special Abilities with the Official Savage Worlds Character Sheet by Pinnacle

Terrify and challenge your adventurers today!

Purchase a license key from Pinnacle Entertainment Group's website today

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