
FQ Card Engine

Latest version1.0.1
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12.331
File size125.17 MB
Last updated1 month ago
Created3 months ago
Languages English
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL

FQ Card Engine

FQ Card Engine - A combat system for Final Quest 8 x DnD5e

homepage of module


The Module provides:

 - Cards toolbar

 - Play dialog for FQ Cards

 - Automation for combat with cards (roll dice,  usability check for cards, automaticaly apply damage, resource consumption and effect to players and npc)

 - Dnd5e character and npc sheets with FQ resources included

 - Compendium for :

  • Cards 
  • Classes
  • Items
  • Passive Spells
  • Monsters
  • Macros

Based on the work of Pengrath : Hand Mini Bar (

 Get Started

  •  Start by selecting your preferred language in "Configure Settings". This will determine the language of the cards generated later.

  • Next, create your players in "User Management"

  • To create characters for your players, you have two options:
  1. Use the **Starter heroes** in FQ Compendium
  2. Drag and drop **Classes** to your own personal character

  •  Don't forget to associate each character with a player.

  • As a GM, you can create decks, hands and piles for all of your players.

  • This will generate and open all decks for your players.

    (Note: Decks are generated up to level 5. After that, decks are customizable and cannot be destroyed by the macros.)

  • To display the hand, use the configuration from the Hand Mini Toolbar. This module uses Pengrath’s work from the Hand Mini Bar.

  • Everything is now set up to play. Start combat with your characters, and cards will automatically be drawn, with picks and hand scores applied. _(See more details in the rulebook.)
    _(Make sure your players are connected!)_

Mandatory modules

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