
Tools for gridless GURPS

Latest version0.6.3
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core11
Last updated1 day ago
Created10 months ago
Languages English
Systems Gurps
Project source Project URL
License License URL

This Module adds some Tools for gridless play to the GURPS Game Aid System. :

  1. Replaces the border shown on the selected token and on mouse hover on a token with a border indicating facing.
  2. Displays an indicator for reach and front, side, back angles on a key press (Default: R for the current token, shift + R for all tokens). You can change the key binds under "configure Controls" in Foundry.
  3. Support for non square tokens and all token sizes with proper Gurps movement (centered on the head of the creature with the body following). See below how to set up the token.

    The module can also be used to get this movement on hex grids, but it will only work properly on "Hexagonal Columns - even".

The Module requires the GURPS Game Aid System and the About Face Module.

Tips for gridless play

In the Foundry scene set the Grid Type to gridless, the Grid Scale to 1, the Grid Unit to Yd and the Grid Size to the number of pixel for 1 yard. Note that most maps for foundry are made with an unrealistic large scale to allow play with the 5 feet grid of DnD. That is in most cases unnecessary for GURPS gridless play. I usually set the number of pixels given for one DnD 5 feet square for 1 yard and get a realistic scale. Individual maps may require adjustments.

Configuration of tokens

If you use portrait style tokens just set the dimension of the Token on the Appearance tab and "Look rotation" on the Identity tab.

For rotating top down style tokens set the dimension of the Token on the Appearance tab. 

If the token image has the same aspect ratio as the token, use the Image Fit Mode "Contain".
If the token image is square, use the image fit mode "Full Height" for long tokens and "Full Width" for wide tokens.
I don't think any differnt aspect ratio will work.

For multi hex tokens adjust the Anchor settings to move center of rotation to the head of the creature, if nessesary.
To move the the center of rotation to center of the first hex of a token of lenght X (in hexes), set the Anchor Y to <br/>1 - 0.5 / x

If you have to scale your token image, this will be interfer with the translation, because the anchor is used as the center of scaling. In this case, the formular will become <br/>(0.5 - 0.5 / x) / scale + 0.5


One hex creatures like humans: Width: 1, Height: 1, Anchor X: 0.5, Anchor Y: 0.5, Image Fit Mode: Contain.

Long two hex creature like a lion: Width: 1, Height: 2, Anchor X: 0.5, Anchor Y: 0.75, If using a square image, Image Fit Mode: Full Height. 

Broad two hex creature like an large humanoid: Width: 2,  Height: 1, Anchor X: 0.5, Anchor Y: 0.5, If using a square image, Image Fit Mode: Full Width. 

Long tree hex creatures like an horse: Width: 1, Height: 3, Anchor X: 0.5, Anchor Y: 0.83, If using a square image, Image Fit Mode: Full Height.

Long 2 x 3 hex creature: Width: 2, Height: 3, Anchor X: 0.5, Anchor Y: 0.83, If using a square image, Image Fit Mode: Full Height.

Long tree hex creatures with an image scaling of 1.5: Width: 1, Height: 3, Anchor X: 0.5, Anchor Y: 0.72, If using a square image, Image Fit Mode: Full Height.

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