The Rollsmith


The Rollsmith is a small workshop creating virtual 3D dice handcrafted with love by two friends, Navy and JDW. She’s the talented artist and he’s the developer working on the Dice So Nice module.

We bring you our own dice in all flavors and shapes to add more bling to your clacks!

You can find our dice set on our website. Each dice set is a small module adding new customizations options in the Dice So Nice module in a way that isn’t possible in the module by yourself.

From the shape, the different materials to the way the light reflects on the dice surface, we do it all from A to Z.

Join us on Discord or your favorite social network to follow our latest releases or share your ideas for new models you’d like to see!

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Calego (Elf Friend)
3 years ago

The dice available on The Rollsmith are fantastic and it feels great to be able to support Dice So Nice’s future development monetarily.

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