
FUx Dice Roller

Latest version0.4.2
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core11
Last updated8 months ago
Created2 years ago
Languages English
Systems All systems
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Dice roller for FreeForm Universal(FU) RPG Classic & v2(beta), Action Tales! RPG(Neon City Overdrive RPG, Hard City RPG, Star Scoundrels RPG), Earthdawn - Age Of Legend

The dice roller is not dependent on any specific Foundry game system but can used in any game system.

Builtin support for

  • Game system Sandbox chat result style

  • Dice So Nice

Recommended Foundry Game systems



FU v2

As taken from FU v2 beta

For game system Sandbox

FU v2

Other Foundry game systems than Sandbox

core style results

Action! Tales 

Action Tales! RPG(Neon City Overdrive RPG, Hard City RPG, Star Scoundrels RPG)


FU Classic

In Classic, the roller will reduce selected Action(Start + Bonus)/Danger(Penalty)dice before the roll

The oracle used for Classic is the alternative numbering(1-3 Bad, 4-6 Good result) and not the default Even/Odd due to programming reasons.

FU Classic

Earthdawn - Age Of Legend

In Earthdawn - Age Of Legend, the roller will reduce selected Action(Start + Bonus)/Danger(Penalty)dice before the roll

The oracle used for Earthdawn - Age Of Legend is the alternative numbering(1-3 Bad, 4-6 Good result) and not the default Even/Odd due to programming reasons.

Earthdawn - Age of Legend

Launching FUx Dice Roller

The dice roller can be launched by clicking the FU icon on the Chat tab of the sidebar

Launch dice roller from icon

The dice roller can also be launched from the Module Settings window

Game Settings

Roll commands from chat

FUx Dice roller support chat commands to roll

Command format

/fux xayd

where x is the number of Action Dice and y is the number of Danger Dice


This will roll 2 Action Dice and 1 Danger Dice

/fux 2a1d

Launch dice roller from chat command


Module settings

FU v2 Combat Helper

If the current system variant is FU v2, a Combat Helper is available on the dice roller

The Combat Helper makes it easy to quickly determine attacks and defend effects.

FU v2 Combat Helper

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