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Dragonshorn Tales - Sanctuary of Serpents

Latest version1.3.3
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated8 months ago
Created2 years ago
Systems D35E
Project source Project URL
Changelog Changelog URL

Something sinister is happening in the jungles of Jakatar... Snakefolk terrorize people living in the villages on the edge of the jungle, and the giant serpents kidnap those who try to discover what lurks inside. The rumors say the evil priestess of Shaska’hs found an ancient temple where great evil was once vanquished... but did the heroes of old really destroy it all?

Venture deep into the Sanctuary of Serpents and discover the secret behind the recent kidnappings, and stop the cult of Shaska’hs from unleashing unspeakable evil upon the people of Jakatar!

Sanctuary of Serpents is a one-shot dungeon crawl for parties at level 4 (or 7) for the 5th and 3rd editions! Featuring new monsters and multitude of obstacles for players to overcome, it can be easily dropped in into any jungle adventure as a point of interest.

About the Sanctuary of Serpents

  • Jungle-themed dungeon crawl, with new enemies that heroes can fight... or try to sneak by.
  • Great place to point party to search for forgotten lore, or as a place they stumble up during their journeys through the jungle
  • Setting agnostic - the Sanctuary can be located in any fantasy world that has a jungle!

Game Ready!

This module is fully prepared to be imported into any running game and used right away. Scenes are filled with monsters and NPCs, journal entries are linked together, and handouts are ready to be presented! 

Easy to Install

To import data into your world, use the Import Adventure button on the welcome screen! You will be able to select the level you want to import the adventure at and the adventure will be imported into the currently running game, sorted into correct folders, and ready to use! 


  • A dungeon crawl ready to be dropped in any jungle-themed adventure, with several leads
  • 2 new maps (with walls, lights - and all monsters already placed in correct positions in VTT editions)
  • 4 new monsters, with custom tokens
  • 2 new, fully illustrated magic items


If you find any issues with the package or you did not get the license key from Dragonshorn Store/DTRPG, message Rughalt#4238 on the Foundry VTT Discord channel!

Module Screenshots

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