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DMDave - White Dragon Cavern

Latest version1.0.0
Minimum Core0.8.2
Compatible Core9
Last updated2 years ago
Created2 years ago
Systems Dnd5e
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Dungeons & Lairs #27: White Dragon Cavern

By DMDave and Tom Cartos

Need to set up a session and have little time? Drop this in for play at levels 4, 8, or 14!

White Dragon Cavern is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 4, 8, or 14. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. A dangerous white dragon has turned a formerly hospitable landscape into a snow-covered hellscape, garnering attention from different factions.

As a plug-in adventure, the adventure content serves as drop-in material for game masters who wish to add a dungeon to a preexisting campaign or need a side quest. If you need a hook for this adventure or already have a similar hook, the included White Dragon Cavern Hooks table offers details for introducing this adventure to your players. These hooks use major factions of Omeria, but you can easily replace them with a different one if your campaign does not take place on the long continent.


As a DMDave adventure, you can expect the following features and benefits:

  • Original Artwork. DMDave-brand products include their own original artwork for you to enjoy.
  • Professional Cartography. Tom Cartos maps bring life to every adventure location with remarkable attention to detail.
  • Endless Customization Options. Thanks to their adaptable nature, the Dungeons & Lairs adventures can fit into any campaign setting.
  • Lighting and Vision. Experience all of the awesomeness that is Foundry VTT with fully realized walls, lighting, and NPC vision.

Quick Guide

System: DnD 5E
Starting Level: 4, 8, or 14
Length: One-Shot (1 session)
Installation: Module

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