
Bulk Tasks

Latest version0.6.2
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated2 hours ago
Created3 years ago
Languages English
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL

License: MIT

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Bulk tasks provides an interface to delete, duplicate, export, import, move, and rename foundry documents en masse.


The interface provides multiple ways to select documents.

  • Clicking on either the document name or the checkbox will select it.
    • Clicking on folder names or the associated checkbox selected the folder and everything in it.
  • Clicking a checkbox and then holding shift while selecting another checkbox selects all the documents in between those two documents.
  • The "select all" button selects all documents of the given type.
  • The "de-select all" button deselects all documents of the given type.

Delete Documents

Allows for the deletion of documents across multiple document types including folders. Depending on the number of documents being deleted this may take a while. Keep a lookout for the job completed notification to pop up.

Duplicate Documents

Allows for the duplication of multiple documents. The following options are available while duplicating documents.

  • Naming Convention: Pragmatically generate names for the duplicated documents.
  • Number of Copies: Select how many duplicates of each document to make.
  • Duplicate to root: Duplicate documents to main directory outside of any folders.
  • Reset Images: Reset the document's image to it's foundry provided default.


Export Documents

Allows for the export of documents across multiple document types. The exported documents are compressed and zipped into a zip file ready to download. The following options are available while exporting documents.

  • Zip Name: The name of the zip file that is generated.
  • File Naming Convention: Pragmatically generate names for the exported documents.
  • Preserve Folder Structure: Preserve the foundry folder structure when exporting to a zip file.
  • Preserve Metadata: Preserve foundry metadata in the exported documents.

Import Documents

Allows for the import of documents across multiple document types. Depending on the number of documents this may take a while. Keep a lookout for the job completion notification to pop up.

Move Documents

Allows for the relocation of documents. Documents can be moved from root to folders, from folders to folders, and from folders to root.

Rename Documents

Allows for the renaming of multiple documents. The following options are available while duplicating documents.

  • Naming Convention: Pragmatically generate names for the duplicated documents.

Installation Guide

Paste the following link in the install module section of foundry.


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