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Indigo Isles Character Guide for DnD 5E | Roll For Combat

Latest version1.1
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 year ago
Created2 years ago
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL

Discover the Indigo Isles!

Battlezoo Bestiary

With the Indigo Isles Character Guide, you can explore hundreds of new options for your next character!

Play one of the seven new and lengthy races: coral chochori with their seven chori subraces, parrotlike g’mayun who almost fell to demonic corruption, ramlike hardriggan with their philosophy of leadership by strength, earthen kragraks that change their forms through rituals and value assymetry, porcine orpok who love good meals, galtzagorri sprite tinkerers, and wildfire leshies made from wood and fire!

Inside you’ll also find The Balance, an interconnected pantheon of deities that you can use in the Indigo Isles or throw into an established world. The Balance works for either since the assumption of The Balance is that there are other deities and belief systems.

Rounding things out are various smaller offerings, including new cute and interesting specific familiars to befriend, and additional feats to enhance and add depth to your characters.

Purchase the Indigo Isles Character Guide Today!

The Indigo Isles Character Guide contains everything you need to become one with the isles! This massive book includes seven new playable races:

  • Chochori (people created from living coral)
  • Galtzagorri (flying mischievous fey)
  • G'mayun (pirate parrot people)
  • Hardiggan (warrior ram people)
  • Kragrak (spiritual rock people)
  • Orpok (hard-working pig people)
  • Wildfire leshy (charred plants brought to life)

This module is to be used with the DnD5e Game System system.

Published by Roll For Combat.

Purchase at the Battlezoo Online Shop.

Explore the exotic and exciting options found in the Indigo Isles!

Explore the exotic and exciting options found in the Indigo Isles!



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