
Baileywiki Maps Pack

Latest version0.5.0
Minimum Core0.6.0
Compatible Core9
File size272.62 MB
Last updated1 year ago
Created4 years ago
Languages English
Systems All systems
Dependencies Token Attacher
Library: Scene Packer
Project source Project URL

UPDATED 11/3/22

Updated module manifest, scenes, prefabs, and macros for Foundry Version 10.

UPDATED 7/3/22

Varioius bug fixes and enhancements to bring the free content up to current technology standards and module capabilities.

See Full Change Log


UPDATE 3/28/22

New Scene! Icebound Galleon by Baileywiki and Atropos

New Scene! Neighborhoods 1 and 2

UPDATE: 02/17/22

Massive update. More new content, replaced old Multilevel Token teleports with Monk's Active Tiles, and much more. See Change Log.


Baileywiki maps are something different. High-detail maps with walls, lights, special effects and interactions, module support, and modular pieces. Design your own interactive maps. Make that ship or mansion a customized base to revisit throughout a campaign, and re-use and adapt to parties or storylines in the future.  Built to be customizable and upgradable.

Welcome. I'm Baileywiki, and thanks for trying out my maps for Foundry VTT. Some things you want to know:


Change Log

Full Change Log

These Maps Be Upgradable!

These maps are all free. But most of these maps also have the ability to be upgraded and customized. Clear out a dilapidated mansion and then work to take it over as a base. Turn a wizard's room into a cleric's temple... or a druid's garden. Commandeer a sailing vessel and upgrade it over time. Many of these maps were created from my vast library of modular sets, including Towns, Dungeons, Wilderness, Castles, and more.

For information on my Premium modules and my modular systems, go here:

Installation and FAQ Guide

Modular System Guide

I have a Patreon for fans who value this kind of extensibility of game play at 

Modules in Use (Optional)

I am active with some of the Foundry community's most talented module developers to continue to create innovative and exciting experiences for players. And I often use these modules in the development of my content. Check out my current list of supported modules in my Installation and FAQ Guide.

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon.

About the Modular Town

The Modular Town is a whole system for easily creating town and city-based maps for either roleplay or battlemaps, complete with tactical elements, many different store and building types, and even alternative terrains, weather and ambient loops.

Free Version:

The Free Module has just a small example of the modular town, a muddy townsquare and a snowy version of it, with deployable Christmas tree and Granaries. Find it in my free module available in the Foundry directory under "baileywiki" or here  

Modules in Use: FXMaster for creating lovely clouds rolling by and Roofs module to dynamically get rid of roofs when your players enter a building. Most buildings are blank with a few great exceptions.

Premium Version:

Available to Patreon subcribers

The premium Modular Town includes many building types, both low-class and middle-class (with high class buildings coming soon). There are also a lot of tactical map elements like trees, stairs, garbage cans, street lights, and much more, all pre-lit with foundry walls, lighting and sounds where applicable.

There are also Facades, which are deployable buildings that can be linked to much large maps, like the Keep, the Tavern or the Tower. Just link them with Multilevel Token and your players can teleport directly to those maps.

Sample Maps: While you can easily create your own town maps with the included elements and the "template" scenes in the compendium, you can also use pre-built 'sample' maps that are included in the Scenes compendium.

Special Use of Token Attacher: The modular town system relies heavily on the Token Attacher module. This module allows you to deploy assets from the Actor compendium complete with walls, lights and sounds, which can be rotated and moved altogether. Make your own custom assets or change the configuration of the ones I include in the pack to match your style of play.

Performance Considerations: The larger your map and the more elements you include, the more performance will suffer. Consider making a series of small maps that you link together with Multilevel Token module. Also, modules like FXMaster can be amazing for weather elements, or Token Magic FX for cool tile and token effects, but you can turn them off for immediate performance gains.

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord

Included Assets:

Low-Class Buildings (C3): Home (C1), Inn, Undertaker, Home (C4), Smithy, Home + Torture Room, Home + Magic Shop, Meeting Room + Bunk House, Weapons Shop + Home, Pet Shop + Hope, Provisions

Middle-Class Buildings (C2): Tavern, Home, Candlemaker, Fletcher, Tailor + Home, Guard House + Curio Shop, Bank + Home, Dojo

Center Buildings: Granary, Christmas Tree + Beer Garden, Park (also a snowy version)

Facades: (requires main Baileywiki Premium module to integrate), Mage Tower with Crenals, Mage Tower with Roof, Tavern (Fighting), Tavern (Yawning) - can be recoded to Stage version easily, The Keep, The Keep Infested

Tactical Elements: Benches, Canal pieces, Crates, Elevation (2 levels), Rubish / Garbage can, Manhole w/ Teleport, Sewer Grates, Signs, Street Lamp (lighting), Trees, Wagons, City Walls

About The Town

Welcome to "The Town". Modeled after Phandalin, this is part of an entire town built with the modular elements of my modular town, modular wilderness and modular dungeon systems.  Built for Foundry VTT, it has 15 scenes and 3 area maps, all linked together with working teleports so your players can explore.

Easily make changes, swap out buildings, change basements, add walls and defenses, conquer and convert a ruined keep, and make this town your own.

Free Version

The free map includes the Town Square featuring highly detailed maps of an inn, a home with shrine, a town hall, a curio shop, undertaker and provisions and weapons/armor shop. To get it, search "Baileywiki" in your Foundry module directory. Make sure you check the Baileywiki Actor Compendium for a bunch of new prefabs for everything you find in the Town Square. These represent just a few of my much larger library of prefabs in the main modular system.

Patreon Version

At Tier 2 or higher, get this map, plus unlock all 15 scenes and area maps, and get all of my other premium maps and modular assets.

To get this map (Premium Version)

Join my Patreon at Tier 2 "Brick and Mortar" or higher, and go here to install my 3 premium modules, which include all of the assets you see here and much more.. 

Quick Tips

  1. You must import two important Journal Entries that are required to make the teleports function: "stair" and "gm-only". You can read their descriptions for more information.
  2. Many of the tiles, lights, drawings and sounds are locked in place by Token Attacher module. Use Token Attacher's Quick Edit mode to move most things around.

About the Farmhouse

The Farmhouse is an interactive map featuring multiple levels, dynamic roofs, and advanced effects. This map is also part of my latest release featuring my interpretation of the town of Phandalin made up entirely of modular elements from my modular Town and Wilderness systems. 

Free Version

  • "Harvest Theme" with advanced module support (teleports, macros, projection zones, dynamic roofs and weather)

Premium Version

  • Explore the cornfields with modular customization
  • Snowy and Fallow motifs
  • Integration into Phandalin town with teleport zones

Quick Tips

  1. You must import two important Journal Entries that are required to make the teleports function: "stair" and "gm-only". You can read their descriptions for more information.
  2. Many of the tiles, lights, drawings and sounds are locked in place by Token Attacher module. Use Token Attacher's Quick Edit mode to move most things around.

About the Church

The Church comes in three varieties, Holy Light, Dark and Unholy. They have the same layouts and modular designs, with various changes to the decor and color scheme.

The crypt level is very customizable. Make sure you watch the video for a quick tutorial on what's available and how to make changes. 

Quick Tips

  1. You must import two important Journal Entries that are required to make the teleports function: "stair" and "gm-only". You can read their descriptions for more information.
  2. Many of the tiles, lights, drawings and sounds are locked in place by Token Attacher module. Use Token Attacher's Quick Edit mode to move most things around.

Free Version: 

The Free Module has the Holy Light version of the church.

Premium Version:

The premium version has all three versions of the church, including Dark and Unholy themes. 

The Church is also available in the premium Modular Town module in various "Facade" formats so you can place churches anywhere in your towns.

About The Frigate

Watch the video walkthrough for a full tour of the Frigate and also the new Trireme deployables.

Frigates are a fighting class, meant for war and escort. They boast ample weaponry across two firing decks and low to the waterline. Frigates can continue attacking when other ships are tossed by the wind. Get the top deck of the Frigate for free with this module.

Modules in Use: FXMaster for weather.

Available Upgrades:

Patreons get the 2 lower decks of the Frigate, the dark Frigate version, and fully deployable versions of both Frigates so you can drop it in any map and still teleport to the lower decks anytime, anywhere.

Advanced functionality includes Token Attacher module, Multilevel Token, Vehicles and Mechanisms, Token Magic FX.

Levels include: Main deck, Gun deck with Captains Quarters, and Lower Deck with Crew Quarters, Hold and Brig.

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon

About The Granary

The Granary is a tactical map and the first phase in a large, modular town and city expansion. Turn on Roofs module and let your party explore around the muddy town square, and even into the Granary itself. The Granary is the center of commerce for this small town. Its an old stone building and one of the only granaries to survive the innevitable fires that so easily light up these veritable powderkegs. 

Explore the surrounding shops and homes, some of which are decorated, like the magic shop, the inn and a few homes with surprises. Patreons get access to all of the stores and more upgrades to come.

Modules in Use: FXMaster for weather. Roofs module for making the roof disappear when a Player enters. Token Attacher is also in effect, but mostly not used until the next expansion.

Bonus!! Also included in this map is the Forest Road. A Parallaxia-enabled road (which you can turn off for stationary battles), and a special Cart that is deployable from the Actor compendium. Just add a horse token and you're in business!

Available Upgrades:

Patreons get all of the surrounding stores and homes, including the Smithy, the Pet Shop, the Undertaker, and the Weapons Shop

Advanced functionality includes Roofs module, Token Attacher module (for moving buildings around) and FXMaster for weather

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon

About The Tower

Watch the video walkthrough for a full tour of the Tower.

The Tower features the first 4 levels free for Foundry users. Walls, lights, sounds and integrated Multilevel Token teleporters to easily get around.

Modules in Use: Multilevel Token module to move around the tower, and Token Attacher module to deploy the Mordenkainen's Door from the Actor compendium.

Available Upgrades:

Patreons get access the full 11 levels of the Tower, alternative base styles, a "dark tower" version and two styles of roofs. Also with the premium version is a special Actor token: The Teleporter. Use it to create teleporting fun in the Tower and in the rest of your world.

Levels include: (1) Entrance/foyer, (2) Magic room, (3) Guest Rooms, (4) Mage's Library, (5) Magical Dining Room, (6) Portals Room, (7) Scrying Pool, (8) Laboratory, (9) Beasts in Cages, (10) The Lair, (11) Wizard's Bedroom, (12) Castle roof and Shingled roof.

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon

About The Docks

Watch the video walkthrough for a full tour of the Docks.

The Docks are a large 50x50 map in high resolution. Plenty of room for tactical battles or storyline gameplay and the perfect place to park your Galleon and Triremes. Featuring ambient noises, weather effects from FXMaster, and teleportation pads to the Sewers and the full Tavern (Patreon only).  There is also a Loading Crane that can be deployed from the Actor compendium and rotated around if you have the Token Attacher module installed.

If you have the Roof module installed, most of the tents and buildings will dynamically disappear when your players walk into them.

Available Upgrades:

Patreons get access to the Sewers under the docks, featuring two hidden areas. A crime syndicate seems to be set up underneath the tarriff office (with secret access to the treasury), and a group of refugees or smugglers may be hiding under the tavern.

Patreons also get access to the entire Tavern, including the basement/sewers, the guest rooms, and the tavern owner's aparments on the 3rd floor (note there is a secret room in his apartment in case you want to make use of it).

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon

About The Airship

Watch the video walkthrough for a full tour of the Airship.

Take to the skies with the Airship! Whether your party is just discovering it, or they are upgrading from the Galleon, the Airship boasts a new set of ambient sounds, some new modifications, and a snazzy rotating propeller graciously provided by Jinker (, whose amazing work can bring any VTT game to life.

The first level of the Airship is free to everyone.

Available Upgrades:

Patreons get access to the other 5 decks, featuring some modifications from the Galleon and a new upgrade to the forward cannons: the Arcane Cannon! The Bilge level also features a deployment hatch for your players, which the DM can hide to reveal whatever map you put down below. There is also a teleport hotspot there that you can hook into any other map to let your players commando down to their next destination.

The Airship is also available as a Placeable Asset that you drop into any map! Find it in the Actors Compendium, which requires the Token Attacher module to use this feature.

About the Tavern


The tavern features a yawning pit that can serve as an access point to a dungeon (per the lore). There is a pulley system on the 2nd floor for raising/lowering adventuring parties. 

Modules in Use: Multilevel Token hotspots are in the main tavern eating area, projecting level 1 actors to be viewable from level 2.  Play around with the day/night lighting to find the atmosphere you like best.

Special Use of Ambient Sounds: Crackling fires, dripping sounds in the beer hallway, sizzling stovetop, and an ominous wind blowing up from the yawning portal itself if you get close.

Available Upgrades: The Tavern is now available in two other versions: The Fighting Pit with Gambling Room, and the Music Stage with Dressing Room.

Features Rooms and Areas:

  • Downstairs:
    • Main dining hall with bar and booths that can accommodate tokens neatly.
    • Private dining room
    • Backroom: bathrooms, beer hallway, storage room and kitchen
  • Upstairs:
    • Upper dining area
    • Lounge
    • Lots of bedrooms of different sizes
    • Two staircases in the bedroom area leading to level 1

About the Keep and Infested Keep


For a complete walkthrough of the Keep, watch the YouTube Video

This is a 6-level Keep (the main building within a castle area), meant to serve as a central hub for your story. Clear out a bad guy, make it base, or just interact with NPCs to some interesting end.

Modules in Use: Multilevel Token hotspots are in place to teleport your players around and to project them from level to another. And FXMaster for creating clouds, weather, bats and general ambieance. 

Special Use of Ambient Sounds: In each level of the Keep you can hear crackling fires, dripping water and wind (when standing outside on the roof levels).

Available Upgrades: The Keep has two main upgrades, both available on Patreon ($3 gets you both, plus more stuff) 

First, the first 3 levels of the Keep are free to everyone. The basement and top levels are only available to Patreons. Just download the file from Just import the extra maps from the Compendium and follow the instructions to change the background images for the ones you downloaded from Patreon. All bonus rooms are already loaded.

Second, the Keep is available in an "infested" version, ready for an epic dungeon crawl:


For a complete walkthrough of the Infested Keep, watch the YouTube Video. (Spoilers ahead!)

This is a ruined version of the normal Keep with new surprises a decidedly dower motif. Featuring an eerie ambieance from Michael Ghelfe (Youtube | Patreon) and new surprises.

Modules in Use: Multilevel Token hotspots are in place to teleport your players around and to project them from level to another. And FXMaster for creating clouds, weather, bats and general ambieance. 

Special Use of Ambient Sounds: In each level of the Keep you can hear crackling fires, dripping water and wind (when standing outside on the roof levels). There is also a magic emination in the ballroom if you use the "Mage" version.

Available Upgrades: The Infested Keep features some great alternative room designs for the Ballroom, including a campsite, a mage ritual, a treasure horde, and a ghostly room of bones.

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon

About the Greek Trireme


The Trireme is a tactical vessel, built for speed and offense and quickly deploying troops and landing parties. Featuring various ambient sounds and lighting:

  1. Main deck with lots of tactical room
  2. Lower deck with storage, rower benches and captain's quarters
  3. Bilge deck with storage

Modules in Use: FX Master for Clouds, Multilevel Token for teleporting between floors (just stand near a staircase and click the anchor icon).

Available Upgrades: The Trireme has a slew of upgrades for your players to invest and enhance their ship overtime, or just to create different triremes in an entire armada.  Five prefab versions of the Trireme are placeable using the Token Attacher module. Go to the Trireme timestamp of this walkthrough to see it in action

See this walkthrough of all the available upgrades as of Dec 2020:

  • Ram Upgrades (Attack Power): Spike, Whirling Blades, Spinning Spikes, Serrated Blades and Flaming Battering Ram
  • Hull Upgrades (AC): Larger deck for more troops. Additional armor and embelleshments. 
  • Speed Upgrade (Speed): Additional deck of rowers! Includes two new rooms: Wizard's Room and Crew Mess
  • Sail Upgrades: New colors (Blue, Red, Black) plus Sails Rolled Up for docking your trireme

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon

Introducing Deployable Structures

The latest release of Baileywiki Maps introduces a new "Actor" Compendium to your Foundry VTT instance. Just look for the new Actor Compendium and you should find 4 instantly deployable assets (the Galleon and Trireme in both docked and sailing versions). NOTE: You MUST have the Token Attacher module installed and activated for these to work properly. 

Just import the Actors or drag them directly from the Compendium to any map. The Actor will immediately deploy an entire ship including walls, lights and ambient sounds. You can rotate and move the ship using the Anchor token icon.

About the Mansion

The Mansion comes in two varieties, "normal" and Pocket Dimension (Mordenkainen). And you can further customize the landscape.

Landscape Customization: Just to go into the source files in the module and look from Snow, Grass or Void terrains. Make these the background or drop them in as a PNG. 

Transparent PNGs: You also have the PNG files for each level in case you want to drop them into another map.

Modules in Use: If you have Multilevel Tokens, and Token Magic FX, you'll find those all work on this map.

Available Upgrades (Available Now): Patreons get snap-in PNGs to turn every section of the Mansion into a ruined wreck or to unfurnish everything, and lots of new room types to customize the Mansion how you want..

Remember, the Mansion has 3 levels. If you import all 3 levels, the teleports should work.

About the Galleon


Watch this video Tutorial on the Galleon:

This is a mighty 6-level sailing vessel meant to serve as a battlemap and base of operations for your crew. This map is available in a "Single Map" format since it plays better for combat and to cut down on load times for your players. Plus it lets you control weather and lighting from one map instead of 6 of them. 

Modules in Use: Multilevel Token hotspots are in place, including the Hold, the Decks and the ocean. See the tips in the map. Parallaxia is there to move the water under your ship. And FXMaster for creating lovely clouds rolling by.

Special Use of Multilevel Token: On the main deck are special MLT zones. Some on the Decks and a big zone in the water. You can place actors anywhere on this Main Deck screen, and they will "project" to the same spot from other screens. This way your players can see each other and enemies from anywhere on the ship (assuming line of sight). You should also be able to target these clones in combat. It is important that you don't drop Actors directly in the "projected" hotspots. They will be stuck there. Just drop them into the Main Deck screen or one of the rooms.

Special Use of Ambient Sounds: In each level of the Galleon you can hear sailing sounds whenever you select a token. These sounds become more loud or more muffled as you exit/enter cabins or go further below deck. They are the loudest on the Main Deck outside.

Available Upgrades (Available Now): In the October 2020 release, Patreons can now turn the Galleon into a ghostship wreck or an unfurnished "dark" version. There is also a "placeable" version that lets you put the Galleon into any map, with and without sails. Future changes include new room types, upgrades to the weaponry, hull, and sail, and whatever else my Patreons can dream up.

Parallaxia Controls:

Want a stationary ship? Getting a little seasick? Use these macros to turn Parallaxia off and on (respectively).

The Ghost Ship

This was once a mighty 6-level sailing vessel meant to serve as a battlemap and base of operations for your crew. But it's been taken over by... ghosts? Cursed pirates? Let your players clean it out, and then offer them the magically renovated Galleon as a mobile base for their next campaign arc. The normal Galleon is available for free in the module's compendium.

Alternative Layouts: Unlike the Galleon, this map is available initially as a "Multi-scene Map".  It is meant for parties to go through scene by scene. However, you can always use the scene artwork to recreate all of the levels in a single map, if that's your preference. Use a copy of the "Galleon Single Map" from the Compendium as an easy starting point. you'll just need to update all of your Multilevel Token hotspots to a unique map name.

Modules in Use: Multilevel Token hotspots are in place, including the Hold, the Decks and the ocean. And FXMaster for creating eerie green fog and supernatural starlight.

Special Use of Multilevel Token: On the main deck are special MLT zones. Some on the Decks and a big zone in the water. You can place actors anywhere on this Main Deck screen, and they will "project" to the same spot from other screens. This way your players can see each other and enemies from anywhere on the ship (assuming line of sight). You should also be able to target these clones in combat (if you're using the Single Map version). It is important that you don't drop Actors directly in the "projected" hotspots. They won't project to other areas, and you may lose track of where you put them. Just drop them into the Main Deck screen or one of the rooms.

Special Use of Ambient Sounds: In each level of the Galleon you can hear sailing sounds whenever you select a token. These sounds become louder or more muffled as you exit/enter cabins or go further below deck. They are the loudest on the Main Deck outside.

Available Upgrades (Available Now): Patreons get PNGs to activate all 6 levels of the Ghost Ship. Instructions are in the Journal Compendium that comes with the module. Or watch this short video tutorial:

About the Multiportal


The Multiportal is a special map that can be easily changed within Foundry. Just open up the Config for the map, find the main map image, and browse to the module directory > modules/baileywiki-maps/maps/multiportal/. Inside that directory are different types of portals like Fire or Void. See below for the full list.

Portal Type Customization: just go into the module folder and find alternative types. 

Modules in Use: (optional)

  • Token Magic FX: The river and portal itself will shimmer with magic effect
  • FXMaster: Turn on Stars or Embers, and Fog, and set them to a similar color as your portal choice. It really sets the ambiance!
  • Wall Height: The towers at the bridge are only 20 feet high so flying players can see over them.

Available Upgrades: Patreons get access to the original Dungeondraft file that lets you manipulate this map as much as you like and create new portal types with one click!

Available portals (in this module):

  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Void
  • To save on module size, the rest are available for free at my Patreon page:
    • Acid
    • Earth
    • Fey/Forest
    • Rot
    • Shadow
    • Space
    • Water

About the Magic Shop


The Magic Shop has 4 distinct rooms featuring various ambient sounds and mysterious lights:

  1. Main shop area with loft
  2. Backroom kitchen, workshop and storage
  3. Bedroom and bathroom
  4. Secret glyph/teleport room accessible through a secret entrance behind the bookshelf in the bedroom

Modules in Use: none! All core Foundry!

Upcoming Upgrades: Planning on different shop and building types which will eventually snap or link together to form a town/street area, or just create different places of interest for you to drop into your own urban environments. I'll also provide damaged and unfurnished versions of this.

Communicate with me anytime at my Discord or via Patreon.

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