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The Secrets of Cats: A World of Adventure for Fate Core System

Latest version3.0.0
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12.331
Last updated9 months ago
Created3 years ago
Systems Fate-core-official
Project source Project URL
The Secrets of Cats • Foundry VTT Access

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Cats are magical; cats understand sacrifice and the power of names. A decapitated mouse left on the doorstep or pillow is a powerful ward, and a spell wailed by the cat chorus confers even greater protection. When evil is on the rise and the safety of the neighborhood is at stake the Parliament of Cats is there to stand firm against the darkness.

Take Silver Ford, for example, a sleepy tourist town near a played-out old silver mine. When kids messing around in the mine accidentally rouse an ancient evil on All Hallows’ Eve, the secret and magical cats of the neighborhood are the only thing protecting their special people from the things that go bump in the night.

This Fate Core adventure provides everything you need to play from character generation to plot and setting ideas, including a new feline magic system based on true names and sacrifices made to protect your human Burdens.

The Secrets of Cats. Sharpen your claws and prepare to defend your territory!

The Fate Adventures & Worlds line provides compact, rich, affordable, gorgeous settings with a ready-to-go adventure for GMs in a pinch. Buy one this afternoon, be ready to run this evening.

Module Features

  • A setup tool that will fully deploy the content of this module into a world of your choice. This is the way we recommend you use this module, and it works best if you start with a fresh new world. On first load, click the 'Secrets of Cats' thumbnail to commence the setup process.
  • Eight GM characters and associated tokens,. If you set this world up using our tool you'll find them in an Actor folder called "The Secrets of Cats GM Characters". 
  • Four sample player characters and associated tokens. Found in the "Secrets of Cats Player Characters" folder. 
  • Twenty-six unassigned tokens for use as player or GM characters, stored in /art/tokens/ and ready for use via the Foundry file browser.
  • A journal that provides the entire contents* ofThe Secrets of Cats, a Fate World first released by Evil Hat Productions as a PDF and print adventure (now out of print.)
  • One start scene for basic orientation and player character tokens.
  • One Playmat scene which features some handy rules references and an easily changeable background. The rules references are on the Tiles layer, so you can move them, resize them, hide them, and otherwise manipulate them using the standard Foundry tools
  • One map scene displaying the small town of Silver Ford, Maine.
  • Scale Calculator: A tool to help you calculate the advantages and penalties based on Scale in The Secrets of Cats.

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