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SWADE Item Tables

Latest version1.21.7
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
File size9 B
Last updated6 days ago
Created1 year ago
Languages Deutsch
Systems Swade
Project source Project URL
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SWADE Item Tables is a module for Foundry VTT that presents Items (e.g., Edges, Hindrances, skills, powers, equipment, et al) in a table format similar to tables presented in the Savage Worlds rulebooks. Items can be opened directly from the sheet for viewing and dragged from the table directly to the Actor's sheet.

GMs can configure the settings to select which Items are included in the tables. They can select entire collections of Items by source module or Items individually.

Additional features include:

  • A Character Creator that calculates points for Hindrances taken, Attributes, skills, Edges, and starting wealth. It also checks requirements for Edges.
  • A Character Advances tool that tracks and manages advances with automatically populated descriptions and links to the Compendium copy of a given item. It also automatically limits attribute increases to once per rank.
  • A Crafting Table app that automatically turns weapons, armor, shields, and ammo into masterwork versions, which can then be enhanced with bonuses as per the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion.
  • An Arcane Background and power prepping function that runs when Arcane Backgrounds and powers are added to an Actor.
  • Setting Configuration options to support Setting Rules such as Born A Hero, More Skill Points, and a Free Edge for starting characters.

Installation Instructions

To access this module:

  1. Become a member of the Patreon linked above.
  2. Sign in on the Foundry VTT site and go to Edit Profile.
  3. At the bottom of that page, click the button for linking your Patreon account.
  4. Open Foundry VTT's Add-on Modules tab in the Setup screen and search for "SWADE Item Tables" (without quotes).
  5. Click the module's Install button
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