
Rivers of London

Latest version12.1.14
Minimum Core
Compatible Core
Last updated1 month ago
Created1 year ago
Languages English
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL
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Foundry VTT implementation for Chaosium's Rivers Of London RPG.

This is a fan made implementation of the River's of London RPG, it is neither supported or endorsed by Chaosium Inc. It provides the sheets and system to run Rivers of London on Foundry Virtual Table Top.

To the best of my knowledge this project does not include any materials from the official books and you will have to enter manually the weapons, skills, items, etc… to be able to play. The implementation provides the functionality to create and use your own skills, spells etc. Go to to buy your copy of the rules.

The Rivers of Lonon: the Roleplaying game © Chaosium Inc.

Rivers of London including all distinctive characters and locations © Ben Aaronovitch.

Foundry VTT support is covered by Limited License Agreement for Module Development.

This implementation requires you to install (separately) socketlib by Manuel Vögele which is licensed under MIT.

I started this implementation with the Boilerplate system by Asacolips and used their tutorials plus the Youtube series by Cédric Hauteville.

I am also grateful to the advice freely given by the participants on the League of Extraordinary Foundry VTT Developers Discord Channel

The implementation is also heavily influenced by the Call of Cthulhu Foundry implementation by the Miskatonic Investigative Society - thank you to them for showing me the way and for their advice

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