
Pathfinder Second Edition

Latest version6.1.2
Minimum Core12.327
Compatible Core12.329
Last updated1 day ago
Created4 years ago
Languages Main (English)
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL
Report bugs Bug tracker URL
Changelog Changelog URL
License License URL
A logo for the Pathfinder Second Edition game system, the Foundry VTT d20 logo on top of it.

This volunteer-developed project brings the Pathfinder Second Edition ruleset to Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Supported by an official partnership with Paizo Inc. and Foundry VTT, the PF2e Volunteer Development Team have worked to bring robust mechanical support that seamlessly enhances gameplay without getting in the way of roleplay.

The Pathfinder Seconed Edition Game System for Foundry VTT

The PF2e game system includes:

  • All rules content for Pathfinder Second Edition, including all creatures, hazards, items, actions, feats, spells from all official sources
  • A fully-featured character sheet that calculates modifiers and tracks feat choices so that you don't have to, with dedicated support for vital functionality such as spellcasting, inventory management, crafting, and Pathfinder Society-compatible chronicle sheets
  • Integration between the Pathfinder rules and Foundry VTT's canvas offers effortless support for advanced features like immersive vision mechanics, positional flanking, immunities, weaknesses, resistances, and real-time range detection
  • The system comes with support right out of the box for a variety of popular variant rules, such as Proficiency Without Level, the Critical Hit deck, or Automatic Bonus Progression
  • and much more!

Latest Release Features - 6.1.0

HIGHLIGHT: Add simple token drag measurement support


System Improvements

  • Allow editing Shield HP from token attribute bars
  • Allow DamageAlteration rule elements to have resolvable selectors
  • Add suport for battle form rule elements to specify whether one can use their own AC if higher
  • Automate Concussive trait
  • Add environment feature region behavior (just with difficult terrain for now)
  • Add animation options to TokenImage rule element
  • Restore Z-cycling of token stacks
  • Add support for retrieving subitems and an actor's own skills in choice sets
  • Add roll option and AE-like RE support to hazards
  • Add support for defining new skills from module flags
  • Add toggle to hide strikes from stowed weapons
  • Allow no master attribute for non-familiar pets
  • Show error instead of silently failing when rolling inline checks for invalid actors
  • Add traits and roll-options parameters to /act inline links
  • Adjust drag measurement feature to play nice(r) with modules


Lots of data entry updates, as is normal; Allow item alterations of hardness to use non-integer and negative values; Now rerender all created messages when a Treat Wounds macro check is rerolled; Fixed sending description to chat for actions with variants when no variant is specified; Fixed application of two-hand trait from strike adjustments to weapon damage dice; Fixed detection of item drops on tokens; Fixed token defaults not being taken up on compendium-actor imports; Now include weapon-compatible traits when generating weapon from shield; Fixed inline checks using resolve double applying penalties; Now prevent parties from being created in or moved into folders; Fixed grid snap when placing bursts and emanations; Fixed retrieving subitems from chat messages; Fixed Concussive trait redirecting damage type to one in which the target is immune; Fixed tiny tokens not traversing waypoints during drag measurement; Fixed drawing of highlights from other users' drag measurements; Restored processing of roll breakdown user visibility; Fixed font color of unready strikes; Fixed hiding strikes in character sheet

Under the Hood

  • Add custom tagify-tags HTML element that handles Tagify form data
  • Add item and origin to appliedDamage messages
  • Allow targets of TokenPF2e#distanceTo to be arbitrary points

How to Contribute

The ongoing development effort for this game system is entirely volunteer-based, and we always welcome more help!

  • If you know how to code in JavaScript/TypeScript/HTML/CSS and have something specific you want to work on, check out the issue tracker on GitHub. You can set up a development environment following these directions.
  • If you find a data entry error, feel free to open a ticket in the GitHub issue tracker.
  • Our Discord server serves as both a community hub and a base of operations for development, and is a good place to check in if you'd like to help but don't know where to start.

If you find what you think is a bug, do the following:


  1. Close the world and restart Foundry.
  2. Push F12 and make a note of any errors in the console log.
  3. Try to replicate it and figure out exactly what you did to cause it. Do you get the same error in the console log?
  4. If it is an actor, try replicating it on a brand new test actor.
  5. Disable all modules and try again. If it stops try figuring out which module - you can likely get help in #module-troubleshooting on the FVTT discord.
  6. If it still persists, create a new PF2e world with no modules enabled and try again. At this point you likely have enough information people in #pf2e on the discord channel might be able to help you.
    1. If it still persists and you feel confident in this, back up your world data, delete the PF2e system and reinstall it and see if that fixes the issue
  7. Open up a GitHub issue stating exactly what you did and exactly what error you are getting. Likely someone in #pf2e can help you phrase this.

Licensing Information

This system uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used with permission granted as part of the partnership agreement between Foundry Gaming LLC and Paizo Inc. This officially recognized game system was created and is maintained by the PF2e For Foundry VTT volunteer development team, and is published for free with the endorsement of Foundry Gaming LLC.

If you would like to undertake a similar project, much of what this system includes is covered under Paizo's extremely generous Community Use Policy. For more information please visit The Community Use Policy. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, please visit


Open Game License | Open RPG Creative License | Project License

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3 years ago

Highly recommend the Pathfinder 2E system on FVTT. It is one of the best system that I’ve used. The system contains so many good features and so many more are being developed. The community on Discord is great too!

3 years ago

Does the PF2E implement every quirk of Pathfinder perfectly? Not yet, no. Is it better in Foundry than any other VTT? Easily. Is there a particular feature you want working? Ask for it and if somebody doesn’t have a quick fix, odds are pretty good one of the volunteer devs will have it implemented before you thought it was possible! The rate of improvements and increased automation feature additions is honestly impressive.

2 years ago

The automation out of the box in the Pathfinder 2E system is incredible. Since I’m playing with IRL friends that didn’t read the Core Rulebook I couldn’t play without this system.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x