
Pathfinder 1e Archetypes and Abilities

Latest version10.1.0
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11
File size5.11 MB
Last updated4 months ago
Created3 years ago
Systems Pf1
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PF1E Archetypes and Prestige Classes

Converted/imported content for Foundry VTT PF1E


This module comprises a vast amount of content for Pathfinder 1st Edition for Foundry.

Included Content:

- 1,268 Archetypes
- 4,824 Archetype Class Features
- 119 Prestige Classes
- 1,308 Prestige Features


Prestige Classes

Prestige classes should be implimented as best as possible given current pf1 rules. They have their description text, along with HD, HP, class skills, saves, etc., as well as linked features that should be gained at the appropriate levels. The added features do not have changes or attacks, and will have to be adjusted, however all the the information and rules are present. They do not automatically increase levels to base classes, like prestige classes normally do.


The Archetype items are not fully implimented. They simply have their description text (From AON) and feature list - no hd, hp, saves, etc. The archetypes are included as miscellaneous features in the Feature Browser; neither the achetypes nor the class abilities do not have changes or attacks. They should have all the required information to make use of the ability (and add appropriate changes when needed).


For Archetype features, the icons are similar, though different from their base class (to set them apart). Each has the name and the archetype in ( ) after. Features of the archetype that match the original class were not included.


Given the amount of entries, it's possible we missed some, or accidentally removed some that shouldn't have been. So be sure to double-check the ability on AON to be sure. You'll want to keep track of what level you gain the increased benefits and adjust manually, or make the changes scale with level as appropriate.


With all these combined, you should be able to easily make the archetypes work, or simply replace your existing classes' features with the archetypes. I am unsure how archetypes plan to be implemented in pf1 sys in the future, so I opted for this route, though it requires some "assembly."
Archetypes are included for the following classes
- Alchemist (63)
- Antipaladin (9)
- Arcanist (14)
- Barbarian (42)
- Bard (81)
- Bloodrager (18)
- Brawler (19)
- Cavalier (37)
- Cleric (35)
- Druid (75)
- Fighter (66)
- Gunslinger (23)
- Hunter (21)
- Inquisitor (38)
- Investigator (37)
- Kineticist (19)
- Magus (31)
- Medium (15)
- Mesmerist (21)
- Monk (56)
- Monk Unchained (14)
- Ninja (5)
- Occultist (20)
- Oracle (26)
- Paladin (56)
- Psychic (8)
- Ranger (62)
- Rogue (78)
- Samurai (7)
- Shaman (17)
- Shifter (14)
- Skald (26)
- Slayer (26)
- Sorcerer (12)
- Spiritualist (24)
- Summoner (22)
- Summoner Unchained (5)
- Swashbuckler (20)
- Vigilante (28)
- Warpriest (18)
- Witch (42)
- Wizard (35)

Before altering any of the compendium databases, it is strongly recommended you create a personal copy of each to prevent the originals from being overwritten during updates.



This should be listed on the Foundry app, just search for it and click install.
If you want to install this module manually, download the latest release.
Unzip the file and transfer the pf1e-archetypes folder to FoundryVTTDatamodules.


These items were converted to foundry with the help of Data Toolbox for FoundryVTT by Sven Werlen, and the archetype classes themselves were converted by JoshyNeurotic.


Paizo Inc.


This module uses artwork from the approved community use product list from


It includes artwork from the following community use package:
- **Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Deck Icons:**


Thanks to the various community members who have helped out through Let's Contribute!


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3 years ago

Is there any way for me to help you on this? I’d like to work on getting some archetypes in this so I can use it for my players.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x