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Paranormal Power: A Psionics Option for 5e and A5e

Latest version1.0.0
Minimum Core
Compatible Core
Last updated1 year ago
Created1 year ago
Systems A5e
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Paranormal Power: A Psionics Option for 5e and A5e

With the unfortunate death of the Mystic, Wizards of the Coast has given up on making a true psionic system for D&D. And thus far, no third party publisher has taken the step of making the Psion a core class at launch.

So if you want Psionics in your game, grab Paranormal Power to enjoy:

  • Nedraz Heritage and Culture: Temporally displaced serpentfolk from an ancient empire.
  • Wild Talents: New heritage gifts formost core heritages. Can be used as feats.
  • Esper Class: 20 levels of psionics with 5 archetypes. Crush your enemies in telekinetic storms, burn them with the heat of your anger, mend your allies with psychic chirurgery, or become a psychic warrior to channel your power more physically!
  • New Powers and Spells, your powers are always available, and get changed to be stronger, or do new things, when you augment them!
  • 7 Archetypes: From the classic Soul Knife rogue to the new Grand Design warlock.
  • Awakened Mind Combat Tradition: Psychic fighting style for your Psi Knight!
  • New Monsters to terrify, confound, and ally with your players. From the dreaded Id Beast unleashing the fury of an oppressed populace to your own Imaginary Friends protecting the children you need to rescue.
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