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OSE: Winter's Daughter

Latest version24.07.22
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11
Last updated4 days ago
Created1 year ago
Systems Ose
Project source Project URL

Requires Foundry VTT Version 11.

The tomb of an ancient hero, lost in the tangled depths of the woods. A ring of standing stones, guarded by the sinister Drune cult. A fairy princess who watches with ageless patience from beyond the veil of the mortal. A forgotten treasure that holds the key to her heart.

Winter's Daughter is a romantic fairy-tale dungeon adventure set in the creepy old forest of Dolmenwood.

  • Suitable for characters of 1st to 3rd level.
  • Encompasses woodland, tomb, and fairy otherworld—all in one handy package!
  • Keyed in a quick-reference, bullet point format.
  • Usable with the free Old-School Essentials game system for Foundry VTT.
  • Map with monster tokens, walls, and lighting pre-assembled, ready for immediate play.
Awards and nominations for Winter's Daughter:
See Questing Beast's full video review of the hardcover edition below!

While this adventure is written for the Dolmenwood campaign setting, it can easily be placed in any other setting where one might expect to encounter icy fairies and rings of ancient standing stones.

Print version: A deluxe, sewn-binding hardcover edition of this book (+ free PDF) is available from Exalted Funeral, along with all of the other books in the Old-School Essentials line.



Gavin Norman

Original Concept

Nicholas Montegriffo
Frederick Münch
Gavin Norman


Gavin Norman

Cover Illustration

Mish Scott

Interior Illustrations

Mish Scott


Karl Stjernberg

Play Test Referees

John Anthony
Nicholas Montegriffo
Frederick Münch
Gavin Norman
Alberto Voglino


John Anthony
Chris Bloxham
Sándor Gebei
Colin Green
Frederick Münch
Ray Otus
Frank Reding
Brian Richmond

Foundry VTT Conversion

Anthony Ronda (VTT Red)

Necrotic gnome logo and VTT Red logo

Dolmenwood and Old-School Essentials are trademarks of Gavin Norman and Necrotic Gnome. Text © Gavin Norman 2018. Illustrations © Mish Scott 2018. Maps © Karl Stjernberg 2019.

VTT Red is a trademark of VTT RED LLC.

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