
Image Hover

Latest version3.0.4
Minimum Core9
Compatible Core9.269
Last updated4 months ago
Created3 years ago
Systems All systems
Dependencies Keybind Lib
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This module allows users on the token layer to hover over actor tokens and see the character art.

If no character art exists, then the token art is used instead.

Image hover also supports animated file types that Foundry allows.



Required actor permission

Setting for game masters to configure the required actor ownership to see character art.

Default: None - All users can hover over any token and see character art.


Art on hover

Choose the type of artwork shown for tokens when hovered.

Default: Character art

Character art - Character art when possible.
Token art - Token art only.
Token art if wildcard - Token art if actor is wildcard(random image), otherwise character art.
Token art if unlinked - Character art for linked tokens only, otherwise token art.

Show all users art duration (Game master only)

The time (milliseconds) art is shown to all users when the "show all users art" key bind is pressed while hovering over a token.

User must be on the same scene and have Image Hover enabled.

The required actor permssions and hide art for specific token settings are ignored.

Default: 6000 (6 seconds)


Enable/Disable Image Hover

Option for each user to disable the module.

Default: On


Position of image

Each user can change the position of the character art to a corner of the screen (Bottom left/right

, Top left/right and Centre).

Default: Bottom Left


Image to monitor width

Option for each user to configure the size of the image based on the width of their monitor.

Default: 7 - Image will take up 1⁄7th of your screen.


Mouse hover time requirement

Each user can add a required hover time (miliseconds) before image shows up.

Default: 0.


Keybind Settings

Set a keybind to show all users art (Game master only)

Game masters can set a key bind to show all other users artwork.

Users must be on the same scene and have Image Hover enabled.

The duration that thi art appears can be changed in the game master module settings.


Set a keybind requirement while hovering over a token.

If a keybind is set in Game settings-Configure controls, that key will be required to be pressed while

hovering over a token to see the art (Mouse hover time requirement is automatically changed to 0).

If no keybind is set, Art will be shown on token hover.


Token Configuration Settings


Hide image hover art  (Game master only)

If Hide Image Hover Art checkbox is ticked, art will not be shown to anyone on hover for that token.

Default: Unchecked.


Specific image on hover (Game master only)

Use the file picker to select a specific image/video to show when users hover over that token.
Defaults to image set in Art on Hover setting.
Delete the file text to remove image and revert to default.
Default: Unset (path/image.png).

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3 years ago

Any idea when/if this will be updated for 0.8.6? It doesn’t seem to work anymore since Foundry was updated.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x