
HârnMaster Automation

Latest version1.1.1
Minimum Core9
Compatible Core9
Last updated2 years ago
Created2 years ago
Systems Hm3
Dependencies HarnMaster 3
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HârnMaster 3 Automation for Foundry VTT

With this module installed, there is no need to remember to mark actors as defeated when they fail their shock rolls. This module will automatically mark the actor as defeated and put the dreaded skull icon over its token.

Also, when an actor fails its stumble for fumble roll, an icon is added to the token in the upper left to remind the player that the actor's next action needs to be to recover from that mishap.

Lastly, this module will automatically increment a Shek P'var's fatigue every time he or she casts a spell and doesn't get a critical success. On critical failures, the player or GM is reminded of an optional rule of rolling on a critical spell failure table.

This is all done automatically with no need for preferences, settings or other customization.

For those who have viewed my YouTube channel or looked at the HarnMaster example macros page, this module implements those macros for you with no need for you to touch any Javascript or macros.

🛑 Please note: If you have followed my tutorial or otherwise installed the example macros, you should uninstall them. Otherwise you risk effects being applied twice and having very tired mages. :D


Use FoundryVTT Add-on Module page to install this manifest:


Shock Failure Automation

If an actor fails a shock roll, it will automatically be marked as 'defeated' and a Skull icon will appear over its token.

If there is active combat, then the actor will be highlighted in red in the combat tracker and should appear as dead there.

The actor also gets an Active Effect of 'Dead' added to its effects. This Active Effect remains until removed.

Stumble Failure Automation

If an actor fails a stumble roll, it will automatically be marked as 'prone' and get an Active Effect of Prone and its associated icon.

This Active Effect will automatically be disabled after the Actor's next turn. The intent is that the icon serves as a reminder to the player that they must spend one round getting back up from prone.

The Active Effect will remain in the Actor's Effects tab. You may delete it if you want. If the effect isn't there next time the actor stumbles, a new effect will be created.

Fumble Failure Automation

If an actor fails a fumble roll, it automatically gains an active effect of "Fumble". This active effect will automatically be disabled after the player's next turn.

The Active Effect will remain in the Actor's Effects tab. You may delete it if you want. If the effect isn't there next time the actor fumbles, a new effect will be created.

Shek P'Var Fatigue Automation

Whenever a spell is cast, depending on the roll result, fatigue will be added to the actor casting the spell.

Roll Result
CS No fatigue
MS +1 fatigue
MF +1 fatigue
CF +1 fatigue

Future plans

  • house rules for spell fatigue, e.g. low level spells don't cost fatigue
  • Fatigue that auto-expires 10 minutes after getting it
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