
Give item to another player

Latest version2.1.1
Minimum Core11.300
Compatible Core11.315
Last updated10 months ago
Created3 years ago
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL
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License License URL

Were you ever in a session and you wanted to give an item to one of your firends? With this module you do not need to tell them the name of the item so they search for it in the compendium.

Was that an item that you created only in your inventory? No problem. 

This module adds a button for each item in order to give that item to a different player.

Open your inventory and on the far right just click on the `hands` button.

item buttons

It will open a dialog where you choose how many instances you want to share, and the name of the player that you will send the item to.

dialog choice

Just click on `Offer Item` and the quantity will be updated in your inventory, and your friend will just see that item appear in his inventory.


If you want to give them some of your money so they can buy the item they were dreaming about you can also do that.

Open your inventory and next to the currency just click on the `hands` button.

currency giving

It will open a dialog where you choose how many pp/gp/ep/sp/cp you want to share, and the name of the player that you will send the money to.

dialog currency

When sending the request, your friend is asked if he wants to accept the offer, which he could also refuse. If he accepts, the amount of money will be updated in your inventory, and your friend will just see his money being updated with the amount you offered him.

The GM will receive a whisper of the transaction to make sure that he knows what happens and avoid some players sending items at times where they should not without the GM being aware of that.


Sharing is caring!



If some of you would like to help me and donate, you can reach me at: --- any amount is welcome.



Thanks to everyone and enjoy the plugin!

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