
Freeform Sheets

Latest version1.17.7
Minimum Core9
Compatible Core12
Last updated5 months ago
Created2 years ago
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL

Freeform Sheets

Allows creation of any number of configurable sheets for your character from image files that you can place text of any size anywhere.

Supports: inline rolls, entity links, other enriched data, @attribute replacement for core actor fields as well as roll data.

100% system agnostic. Can make any number of sheets for your characters. 

You can use content links, inline rolls, and create macros and add them to the sheet to make it interractive.



Left clicking on an empty space on the sheet image will create a NEW TEXT element immediately to the left of the place clicked and highlight the text to be ready for input.

Text will be saved when the input loses focus or Enter is pressed.

If the input is empty or still NEW TEXT, the element will be removed. This is how you remove text from the sheet.

Dragging entitys, Actors, Items, Macros, Roll Tables, etc. to the sheet will create a content link element that can be clicked.

Normal roll data replacements are also performed on the text as well as the full actor. So things like @attributes.hp.value will work as well as core actor fields like @name.

The sheet renders each time the actor is updated like a normal sheet does, so @ values will not need to be updated manually. Just set and drag them to the relevant place on the sheet.

Player config

Players can configure a few things that will be stores per character:

Under the cog:

  • Font Family (Foundry defaults plus whatever the GM adds to fonts in the core settings)
  • Font Weight
  • Font Color

Plus, %, and Minus

  • Zoom, to make the sheet larger or smaller

Under the eye

  • CSS Filters for the sheet
    • grayscale
    • sepia
    • invert
    • saturate
    • contrast
    • brightness


Freefrom Sheet Example

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