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D&Demetrius 2022 Map Pack - Part 2

Latest version1.0.1
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11
Last updated1 year ago
Created1 year ago
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Map Packs by D&Demetrius Released in the second half of 2022

  • Blood Elven Mannor [63x48]- Two Floors

    Blood elven architecture is of the same illustrious and elegant design as it was when Dath'Remar Sunstrider founded Quel'Thalas. It involves pendulous creations of wondrous curves and columns, their designs involving natural, floral, flowing, and animal motifs. Their fountains seem to defy physical boundaries, creating or warping water in impossible ways.

  • Busy Port [75x51]

    “While profit and business can be made in such a bustling port town, where merchants hastily fare products from faraway lands to sell for gold, and farmers and craftsmen bring their produce and creation to display, disaster can swiftly strike. Whether it is a swindler, a bad deal, a guard turned undead, a pirate raid, or something more sinister, have your wits about you. And of course, if you belong to the immoral kind, the type that has gains as its sole guiding principle, then ravel in the opportunities that are raging around you. For sellers and merchants leave these places with heavy pockets, in need of lightening.”

    Variants: Day, Night, Sunset, Storm, Winter, Haunted, Pirate Attack, Rise of the Ancient One

  • Castle Under Siege [65x69]- 8 Phases of a Besieged Castle

    A Castle Under Siege! There are 8 phases and states that this stronghold goes through, before it eventually succumbs to the attackers and the passage of time.
    Forts were not just garrisons for soldiers and weapons, but often served as trading centers, housed farmers and workers, and were used to assert control over a given area. 

    Phases: Before Siege, Siege Phase 1-5, Looted, Ruins

  • Christmas Market [30x40]

    A vibrant and snowy Christmas market, with stalls and tents, and a small theater to celebrate the New Year!

  • Dragon Lairs [60x39]

    "A Dragon's lair is far more than a mere nest of a wild beast. It embodies and reflects the dragon's own nature and humor, transformed by the mere pesencer of that noble creature. Some are welcoming, while others show immediate hostility to foreigners. Regardless, very few, if any, dragons will allow you near their hoard, which they value more than anything in the world, and carefully expand with whatever additions they deem beautiful and glamorous enough"

    This pack feautures 6 variants of different types of Dragons inhabiting the lair, and I have used 5e references to carefully construct the details and the dragon hoard according to the 5e system!

    Variants: Red Dragon, Green Dragon, White Dragon, Blue Dragon, Emerald Dragon, Amethyst Dragon

  • Feywild Summer Court [30x40]

    A Court in the Feywild, with a heart of a giant oak beating and pulsating with magical fey energy! The 6 variants aid to set the stage for different situations in your players’ adventures!

    Variants: Day, Night, Foggy, Cursed, Tribal, Invasion

  • Giant Spider Lairs [50x38]

    There are two entrance to the cave complex, a main one and a side one, where the giant spider crawls through unnoticed. Perhaps a good survival or perception check can reveal the secondary entrance to a player?

    Variants: Day, Night, Frost Spiders, Toxic Spiders, Underdark, Crystal Cave, Old Gold Mine, Old Dwarven Outpost

  • Portals to Various Locations [40x30]

    “Ah, a portal. Such a statement could pierce your heart with fear, or drown it in curiosity, depending on your experiences of course. The Infernal and Abyssal ones are ever-cursed! They bring only war, bloodshed, and destruction in their wake. The same goes with most Elemental portals, however, their intentions are not so ill usually. A portal to the Feywild is….also pretty bad news. Chances are, you’re about to be tricked without even realizing it. But a Portal to Mount Celestia! Ah, now that…wait, no. That’s also bad news…you know, portals are actually pretty bad, go close them or something..”
    ~Nameless quest giver.  

    Variants: Fire Plane Portal, Ice Portal, Abyssal Portal, Feywild Portal, Astral Plane Portal, Living Portal, Portal to Avernus, Portal to Mount Celestia

  • Safforas Prison [80x60]

    A Huge Dungeon-Prison feauturing over 20 rooms with various contents. There is a numbered GM version that includes the position of various traps and hidden walls.

  • Styx flowing through Stygia [30x45]

    "It's...all blood! Just as in Avernus! It soaks the surrounding ice and snow, carrying within her ever-more gory scenes, remnants, reminders, of the Blood Wars! Styx never changes, she penetrates the Nine Rings, her bloody waters commanded by no one!"

    Variants: Day, Night, Blood, Noxious Gas, Dried, Eldritch waters

  • The Abandoned Keep [30x40]

    "High on the Cliffs of U'valaz, the old fortress of the Lost Kin lays bare and in shambles. Making your way up can be challenging, given the shift in tone that the landscape takes throughout the year, haunted by the plentiful ghosts and curses alike that its old inhabitants brought upon the lands. The invasion of the armies of Minauros, brought upon the city by some hubristic ritual the leaders had performed,  gave birth to disgusting and shifting bogs, with their stench of rot being sensed from miles away. Then, the Feys arrived and cleansed the lands from the Hellish spawn, only to assume dominion themselves, and doom travelers and inhabitants alike, albeit in a more whimsical manner. Lastly, they came from the stars. Curious aberrations, that, after closer inspection of the cryptic texts, seem to have returned rather than arrived, since ages immemorial. These antediluvian monstrosities gave the final strike, to that old city up on the cliffs, whose memory now slowly fades"

    Variants: Day, Night, Storm, Bogs, Fey Fountains, Eldritch Obelisks

  • Tropical Island [45x53]

    Six variants of a tropical island, perfect to use alongside the Damned Seagoat whilst your players explore and traverse the seas!

    Variants: Day, Night, Sunset, Storm, Cursed Island, Unsettled Island

  • Villainous Mansion [52x38]- Two Floors and a Roof

    A mansion fit for an evil lord, baron, or bandit-usurper. The mansions feautures two floors and a lot of rooms, full of details and adventure hooks.There is a unique explosion-destroyed variant of the first floor!  

    Variants: Destroyed

  • Vineyard Estate [75x75]- Interior and Exterior of a large Vineyard Estate

    "The old estate has been there ever since the village folk could remember. Vines sprung from the surrounding fields, whose nectar was as sweet as honey. Barrels would go in and out of the presser, while workers toiled, albeit pleasantly, on the fields. The family that owns it has an almost mythical shroud surrounding them. Some say they are descendants of old war heroes that conquered the area and built the estate. Others claim they are nobles from afar that purchased the land from the previous owner. What is certain is that the wine produced here is top quality and is sought after by everyone in the county. What's the secret you may ask? I can only give you rumors, adventurers...."


    Exterior Variants: Day, Night, Sunset, Storm, Snow, Otherwordly Mists, On Fire, Massacre, Ruins
    Interior Variants: Three Floors, Day and Night

  • Wedding in the Forest [15x20]

    A sweet and innocent wedding ceremony in the forest. Perfect to use for the weddings of your world's NPCs or even your PCs! 

    Variants: Day, Night, Sunset, Winter, Fey, Raided

  • Witch's Hut [30x30]

    “The dim light from between the trees begins to grow brighter and brighter, as you try to escape these cursed woods. As you approach hastily, you come to an unsettling realization, that its origins are not a warm hearth or a lantern, but a giant boiling pot, a foul stench emerging from it. In your desperation, do you dare knock on the hut of the cauldron’s owner? Is it worth the risk..?”

    Variants: Day, Night, Fog, Snow, Spooky Season, Pumpkin Ritual

  • Wizard's Mansion [50x30]- Four Floors and Baracks

    A luxurious and antique-looking mansion stands in the middle of an unlikely place. The warmth from its interior hearths reflecting on the stained glass windows, extending the warm light outside. On the first floor, a bountiful banquette is organized, filled with every delicacy your eyes could desire, with a gentle atmosphere and soul-soothing music. On the second floor, the guests may find respite from the constant entertainment of the lounge, or the busy banquette. Past that point however, no soul is allowed to pass. For the gracious host does not take kind to trespassers. You are welcome to his food, hearth, and silk-dressed beds, but the tower is his domain exclusively. Yet, what untold wonders could one find up there…?

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