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Angela Maps November 2024

Latest version1.3.0
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated2 months ago
Created3 months ago
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Maps from Angela Maps Patreon in November 2024



Labyrinth - BEHOLD, The Cosmic Labyrinth! Mad wizard’s folly, planar themed crucible, or mysterious dungeon beyond this reality? This gargantuan 100×100 map offers endless possibilities for thematic encounters as your players travel this garden of forked paths through ice, swamp, jungle, river biomes; through sandy, spidery, deadly, gold-filled, disco-checkered halls; in mushroom-laden, stone-crumbling, marsh-gas filled corridors; across crystalline, bone-filled, sandy, tentacular, volcanic and electricity-rippling rooms! That, and a few areas of well-earned respite, should access be permitted! All in the hopes of surviving until they reach the heart of the labyrinth and there, face the horrors that await… So naive to think they can succeed, they remind me of the babe!


The Dump - What a dump! A junkyard, to be exact, though an enterprising mind might surely find materials of greater worth than scrap, and also probably worth less, somewhere in these stacked heaps of refuse. One just needs to be careful not to bother whomever, or whatever, might have made their lair amidst the mound of assorted, discarded waste. Available in iced-over and flaming variants – for all your dumpster fire needs -, this fully animated map will fill any aspiring artificer’s spirit with glee, any proper druid’s heart with wrath, and finally answer the age-old question: is one creature’s junk truly another’s treasure? Better mind the dog, and the tetanus!


Illusion - All that glitters is not gold, never judge a book by its cover, appearances can be deceiving, etc. That said, what’s not to love about a bucolic glen, a gently winding river running through it, a handful of sheep grazing its lush, rich grass as birdsong serenades visitors to the humble abode of a local healer and wise-person? Never mind the fact that the shadows cast by the trees might be a little longer than expected, or that the air smells staler than it ought to, and definitely don’t try to taste the crystal clear waters that somehow reek of stagnant filth.

Contemplating such peculiarities for too long may allow the perceptive and the foolhardy to pierce the glamour surrounding this tainted land and see it for the corrupted dale it truly is, where dangers lurk in every shadow, and even the flora holds untold dangers for the unwary. Available in idyllic illusion and a corrupted reality versions, these fully animated maps are perfect for lulling your party in a false sense of security until the terrible truth dawns on them.

Won’t you come by for a cup of tea, petal?


Theatre- From the Colosseum in Rome to the Hollywood Bowl, outdoor performance venues come in many shapes and sizes, but always hold the promise of dazzling shows, be it under the stars, the scorching sun, or a (not so) gentle rain. With its great arched gates, ornate masonry, and terraced steps hewn by expert craftsmen and augmented by sturdy wooden benches for added comfort, this theatre can accommodate hundreds of avid spectators.

A convenient pit and chairs for an orchestra around the thrust stage provide the opportunity for musical accompaniment to any spectacle, and a raised box offers the best seats in the house for the most prestigious of patrons. Backstage, dressing rooms and storage aplenty allow all this business we call show to proceed out of sight of non-thespians. Map variants include different stage configurations, as well as a version where this grand theatre was constructed over a deep sinkhole, and the curious can still glance into its darkened depths.

While surely nothing could go wrong at a well-rehearsed opening night of a play or opera set in this wondrous locale that your party might have a vested interest in, just remember – the show must go on!

Map is 60 x 42





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