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The Delver's Guide to Beast World

Latest version1.0.0
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11
Last updated1 month ago
Created1 month ago
Systems All systems
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Everything is new.

The Dungeon has spread out underneath the Beast World, and intrepid delving crews seek it out for treasure and adventure. Choose a model of delver wagon for your character to live and work in, customize it with components and fittings to keep your crew safe in tough situations, and live a life on the road with a caravan of adventurers! As your crew grows, your wagon gains powerful new abilities too!

Join the Delve!

Package Contents:

33 new race options, split into Species, each with distinct Homeland options!

12 new subclasses, one for each standard class!

3 all-new wagon models for all your mobile fortress needs!
Two new Equipment types encompassing 197 components, fittings, and furnishings for customizing your wagon!

Magic items, spells, and more!

Getting Started with Wagons

Wagon character sheets are an alternate sheet on top of Player Character sheets. To get started, make a new PC, then change its sheet type (This Sheet in the Sheet Configuration) to "Delver Wagon". You can drag Actors from within the World onto the sheet and they will be added to your crew. If the Actor has the a feature called "Impeccable Draught", the wagon will consider it a draught beast and add it to the appropriate section.

Wagon-specific items are new Equipment Types (Attachments and Furnishings) that determine where and how the item is displayed in your wagon's inventory and on the schematic. If you give a wagon item a new icon it will update the icon on the schematic, and we encourage you to do so! If you make something cool, we want to see!


Bug Reports and Suggestions

The easiest way to get in touch is to come to our Discord server!


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