
Whistler's Item Rolls Extended

Latest version0.11.5
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11
Last updated1 year ago
Created2 years ago
Languages English
Systems Dnd5e
Dependencies socketlib
Project source Project URL
Report bugs Bug tracker URL

Whistler's Item Rolls Extended

This is a module for the Foundry virtual table top. It is specifically compatible with the dnd5e system.

As the name implies, the idea is to make item rolls easy and powerful, and to do that in a complete package, WIRE includes some extra functionality in addition to handling item rolls. The focus is not to automatically roll dice or make decisions, but rather to make sure as much of the activity around item rolls is presented conveniently.

(Video also features another one of my modules, Action Pack)

In Foundry, item rolls refer to the activation of items in an actor's inventory, special abilities, class features and spells. Item rolls may apply damage and effects to other actors. The effects can have trigger conditions attached to them that trigger more of the same thing as combat progresses, including making saves to end the effect, applying damage to creatures entering an area or the effect target making an attack.

Module status

This is a pretty complicated module quite early in the development cycle. There will be bugs. Do not use for your paid DM gig, but do try it out and report issues on GitHub or reach out to me on the Foundry discord server as Whistler#3253.

Where to go for more information?

The repository wiki is where all documentation will be kept.

  • Check out the feature list
  • Recipes with examples of spells and skills and how to set them up
  • Read up on how it works
  • A list of conditions and updaters.
  • A list of supported active effect changes/flags

Other modules

Check out the repository README for information on required, recommended and incompatible modules.

Also check out the companion module containing items from the SRD.

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